How to use Highlighting Code Block

This post introduces the usage of “Highlighting Code Block“, the syntax highlighting plugin that is compatible with both the block editor and the classic editor.

You can easily insert Code Block with just a few clicks, and they are Syntax Highlighted according to the language you select.

There are currently two colorings, “Light” and “Dark“.

Coloring examples
Coloring examples

It’s very easy to use code blocks with such a cool display.

The following languages are supported by default.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • SCSS
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • PHP
  • Ruby
  • Python
  • Swift
  • C
  • C#
  • C++
  • Objective-C
  • SQL
  • JSON
  • Bash
  • Git

Other languages can be used by customizing settings and files loaded.

The syntax highlighting function itself uses “prism.js
(with a little extra processing for better coloring).

How to install

You can download it from the plugin page of the WordPress directory.

You can also search for “Highlighting Code Block” from the Add New Plugin screen.

HCB in the plugin search screen
Looks like this

How to Use ?

Once the plugin is activated, the code blocks with syntax highlighting can be easily inserted in both the block editor and the classic editor.

  • In the Block Editor, you simply call a dedicated block and write your code. (There are some settings that can be set for each HCB Block.)
  • In the Classic Editor, simply call up the code box from the toolbar at the top of the editor and enter your code.

How to Use in the Block Editor

Here’s how to use this in the block editor which is the new editor from WordPress 5.0

In the editor, if you click the “Insert Block” button and you will be able to select a block called “Highlighting Code Block” from the “Text” category.

Select Highlighting Code Block

The / shortcut key allows you to search for /hcb or /code.

The video below shows how to use HCB’s Code Blocks

About Block settings

The Block toolbar and Block sidebar each have the following setting items.

  • Block toolbar
    • Language
  • Block sidebar
    • Language
    • Display line numbers
    • Display language name
    • File name
    • Highlight number
    • First line number ( v. 2.0~ )
Language setting

Choose the language of your code for proper syntax highlighting.

Display line numbers

Whether to display the Line numbers
You can set default values on the [HCB] Settings page, but you can override them on a block-by-block basis.

Display language name

Whether to display the Language name
You can set default values on the [HCB] Settings page, but you can override them on a block-by-block basis.

File Name

You can display the File name at the top right of the code block.
File name display takes precedence over Language display.

Highlight Number

You can set the line number you want to highlight.
For details on how to specify line highlights, please refer to the “Line highlight: How to use” page.

How to Use in the Classic Editor

You will see a select box labeled “Code Block” added to the toolbar at the top of the editor (If the second level is hidden, use the “Toggle Toolbar” button to make it visible).

A select box is added to the toolbar
A select box is added to the toolbar

This select box allows you to choose your preferred language.

Language selection
Language selection

If you select “HTML”, the code block is inserted as shown below.

Screen after inserting a code block
Screen after inserting a code block

Delete the/* Your code... */ part and write your code.

It is also possible to select the code block with code already written in the editor and with them selected.

Select the area you want to code block
Select the area you want to code block

If you select a language from the select box with a selection, the selection is wrapped in a code block as shown below:

The selected area becomes a code block
The selected area becomes a code block

How to use line highlighting

To specify line highlighting in the classic editor, apply the data-line attribute directly to the pre tag in the text editor.

Please refer to Line highlight: How to use page for how to specify the data-line attribute.

How to get out of the code block

You can’t get out of the code block by using the enter key to repeat a line break within the code block.

Use the “” or “” cursor keys to exit (or you can also “hold down the Shift key and press the line break”).

Note on Copy & Paste in the classic editor

When copying and pasting code into the code block in the classic editor, use Shift + Ctrl + V paste instead of the normal Ctrl + V paste.

Or, right-click and select “Paste to Match Style” to paste.

Also, when copying and pasting code that spans multiple lines, it will not paste properly into the code block if blank lines are included in the text.

OK (no empty line between h1 and p tags)
    Hello, World
NG (empty line between h1 and p tags)
    Hello, World


If you want to insert long code, switch to the “text editor” and paste it into the pre > code tag.

About settings

Below is a brief description of the various settings for this plugin.

Settings for “Highlighting Code Block” can be made from the “[HCB] Settings” item in the “Settings” section.

"Settings" -> "[HCB] Settings"
“Settings” -> “[HCB] Settings”

Basic settings

The basic functions include the following settings

  • Display language name: Whether to display language name in the code block (Default: Show)
  • Display settings for the number of rows: Whether to show line countin the code block (Default: Show)
  • Copy button: Whether to show copy button in the code block (Default: Show)
  • Font smoothing: Font smoothing toggle (Default: Off)
  • Code coloring (front size): Code coloring in the front end (Default: Light)
  • Code coloring (editor size): Code coloring in the editor (Default: Light)
  • Font Size(PC): Font size of code (PC) (Default: 14px)
  • Font Size(SP): Font size of code (SP) (Default: 13px)
  • “font-family” in code: Font family of code (Default: Menlo, Consolas, “Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN”, “Hiragino Sans”, Meiryo, sans-serif;)
Screenshot of the HCB settings screen: Basic Settings
Screenshot of the HCB settings screen: Basic Settings

Advanced settings

Next, below is a description of the “Advanced Settings” under “Basic Settings” follows.

Screenshot of the HCB settings screen: Advanced Settings
Screenshot of the HCB settings screen: Advanced Settings

How to use fewer Language sets

Edit the contents of the “Languages set to use” field and delete any unnecessary language lines.

For example, if you set up the following:

Setting languages used in HCB
Language set to use in HCB

The language displayed in the language selection select box in the code block will be reduced to match the above settings.

Language selection screen in the code block
Language selection screen in the code block

How to support more Languages

Edit settings

To increase the number of Languages that support syntax highlighting, please edit the “Language set to use” in the HCB settings page.

Enter a list of supported languages in the format classname: "Display name", separated by ,.

Example: How to make Perl and Go selectable as well

... other langages ...

Please specify the class name that corresponds to each language as specified in prism.js. (Please check the Prism:Supported languages page for details.)

Change the prism.js file to read

Next, customize the prism.js file (script that performs syntax highlighting) that is loaded by the plugin.

  1. On the prism.js customization page, check the language list defined in Step-1.
  2. Download the JS file at the bottom of the customization page above.
  3. Upload the downloaded file ( prism.js ) inside the Theme folder you have activated.
  4. Enter the path to the uploaded file in the “Advanced settings” -> “Original prism.js” field and save the settings.

By setting up to this point, you will be able to use your own prism.js file with your own language set.

Languages other than those supported by default can also be used.